Rough Quartz Points with Chlorite Inclusions
100 Gram Bag (Just under 1/4 lbs.)
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These are more cloudy than the clear singing quartz with chlorite and seem a bit more "sturdy" built. Since they are rough, they may have rough edges and imperfect points. We do try, however, to make sure we give you plenty of good stuff in every bag. The bulk bags are awesome for people who use crytal grids, make medicine pouches, use crystals as "offerings", or who like to be able to give goodies away to people who may need something.
A random bag that I counted had 30 crystals in it, so you can expect somewhere around that ball park in your bag. The crystals range approximately in size from 1/2 - 1 1/4" long by 1/8 - 1/2" wide.