Girasol Quartz Crystal Skull
3 7/8" x 3" x 2 1/2"
1.25 lbs. (Skull)
2.13 lbs (Skull with decorative box)
Girasol is a type of quartz that has an optical effect that makes it look as though it is glowing with light from within. Many people have called it "moon quartz" or "girasol opal" because of this quality. Girasol has a type of depth that is unique in the quartz family. My co-worker, Christopher, wrote a very detailed blog article on the metaphysical properties of girasol, which you can find by clicking here.
This is another bright and glowy girasol skull with no iron inclusions. There is a 2 inch long ridge on the top right of the skull that is from a natural internal fracture and one rounded triangular place with a more defined silvery sheen to it that is also from natural variations in the quartz when polishing. Otherwise it is smooth and lovely to the touch. The very back of the skull has a rainbow in it, which I swear has gotten bigger since yesterday.
Yesterday, all I saw was the sword of light shaped iridescent rainbow. This morning, when I tilted the skull just a little bit, a whole new rainbow emerged in the same area that is more rounded or flower shaped and very beautiful. Maybe I was just too tired to notice yesterday, but yeah.. the rainbows are different today than yesterday.
I did do a Crystal Whisper card reading yesterday for this skull and it was one of those readings where I feel like the purpose of the energies was well described and validated itself within the redundancy of the cards. The cards pulled were: Childhood Worker, Empowering Connections, Mental Body Worker, Shifts/Transitions/Transformation, Past-life Worker, and Perspective/Perception Modification.
This is likely an ally for doing soul shard integration that helps to correct maladaptive mental/perceptual distortions, either from childhood or from past-lives (which are sometimes similar patterns to clear). It didn't specifically say it was a soul retrieval crystal, and it could have, which makes me think that this is not the support to "go and get" lost pieces of self from the shadows. Instead, it seems to be the rectification part, where all that damage to how one views "self" and "the world" begins to get shifted and transformed into something adaptive.
I would recommend this skull go to someone who has a lot of personal work to do around soul integration and shifting how they feel about themselves and the world. It would also be extremely well placed in a practitioner's hands who does integrative therapy, even conventional talk therapy, but.. perhaps not have the skull visible?
Ohhhh... I get it! I often try to explain that when traumatic or overwhelming events take place, that the brain has a special way of sequestering that pain in a "closed circuit loop". It's like a little piece of your consciousness gets put in a box, constantly stuck in that moment of pain. When some event triggers this closed loop to get more active, it can feel like you are feeling/behaving in a way that "is not like you". The rounded triangular sheeny part on the skull is symbolic of that closed loop, which is the physiological/neurological structure behind of the concept of "soul loss". I also did some of this work with a young woman last night. Maybe the growing rainbow was a kiss from the Universe to let me know that our work together "grew her light". Awwww, so very sweet.
One protocol for going in and changing perceptual distortions held by parts of self that need healing would be to have the person imagine addressing their own "Little Self" and to explain the situation in an age appropriate way, reassure the Little One that s/he is not to blame, and to reassure their worth and value. It's like going back to re-parent a part of yourself that desperately needs to hear that everything is okay and that they are okay. It's somewhat intense work, so please do some research on appropriate methods and make sure you have proper support of actual mental health professionals, if you need it.